Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Today,as part of our school day, we are going through all the pamphlets and brochures we picked up on our cross country trip. It is interesting that you can remember it, but not remember it. Meaning that you have it as part of your memory, but not until you see something to trigger it such as a map or a ticket.
We have decided to place the road maps we picked up on the wall. Then we are putting up the brochures and running string from the brochure to the city it is located in on the map.
I thought it would be a great way to learn about maps,miles,distance,capitals, cities vs towns, interstates vs routes etc. We will see how it goes. We are waiting on daddy to come home so he can help us. He did the majority of the driving, so he is helping us map out our trip.
Our next task will be to add the mementos we collected to the kids own scrapbooks. They made them before we went on our trip, but didn't do what we had hoped and add thoughts and mementos during our trip. I know we are a lot behind, but something is better than never doing it!
That trip was still one of the BEST family vacations we have ever done. We stuck it out and spent so much time together, we grew as a family in so many ways we just couldn't do at home and on the weekends.
I will try to post pictures of it when we are finished.

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