Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Our next trip!!!

So, we homeschool and we try to make everything worthwhile for a learning experience. My family is going to Disney, meaning my brother and his family and my parents. They want everyone there and that means us too.
DH wasn't going to be able to get off from work(and still might not be able), but I planned to go anyway. I am not going to miss Disney!!!!!!
WEll, I began to plan and it just never seemed to be happening because DH and I kept disagreeing. FINALLY, I found out information on discount Disney tickets that include a class taught in Disney by Disney. I sold DH on the idea that we can do a family trip, while making it homeschool and cheap!
I ordered tickets for the 4 of us and Chloe gets to do 2 classes. American History and Ocean Conservation. She is totally excited to be able to do them. I will post how they work and if they are worth it.
We talked about going to FL early and doing Universal and Sea World. Both would be exciting for both kids. Harry Potter and Sea Life come on who wouldn't love that?
We, are leaving Disney before everyone else and potentially headed to Columbia,SC to do a musuem lock-in and learn about life in the civil war maing our own soap and candles and cloth. EXCITING! Then the next day we get to do Body Worlds exhibit. Not sure about it since it is really human bodies donated to science and preserved in plastic.
While is SC, we plan to do the Zoo and the Children's museum and show the kids our own haunts. After, we are either driving to NC to do a homeschool day at the museum there or driving to Williamsburg and doing Great Wolf Lodge.
The Great Wolf Lodge would be to make up for Joel being sick and we had to cancel a previously scheduled trip. It was within the 72 hour window, so we had to reschedule and not get a refund of our deposit.
Anyway, that is a brief synopsis of what is planned.
as we plan more I will post more!

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