Thursday, June 3, 2010

Link to pictures

For those of you interested, I am getting a photo album together to post a link in the blog if you really want to see our pictures. I warn you there are a lot of them, so grab a cup of coffee or something and sit for a spell.

Greatwolf Lodge

We left Elkhart and drove to Sandusky Oh to the great Wolf Lodge as a grand finale to the trip. I did not know this but Sandusky has 4 waterparks. we talked about going back and doing Kalahari waterpark it is huge and it has an outdoor safari. Anyway, the kids did not know we were staying there so they were totally jazzed when we pulled into the parking lot. We checked in changed and played in the waterpark until it closed at 9. Then we went to Walmart and everyone picked something for dinner. Both kids had lunchables. I went on my ever famous quest for something comfort foodie with no soy. And Tom chose chicken patties. Oh and we had a request for some popcorn. So we went back to the room, threw out the picnic blanket on the floor and began to microwave food. The picnic blanket was by the fireplace so we turned it on and poured our chocolcate milk and ate our microwave dinners and lunchables. It was a great night. KIds slept late again and we were no hurry to get home so we left GWL late.
I will say this one was much smaller than the one in Williamsburg and did not have the wave pool, the flowrider or a few other slides. Still the kids had a great time and wanted to stay longer.
We drove home on the PA Turnpike which is the worst road ever. It was raining off and on, but the pay off of being in our home was great. We did witness a 7 car accident seconds in front of us. That was a bit scary.
Home later that night and the kids ran to their rooms to check on their toys.

Legoland,American Girl Store and Chicago Pizza

We stayed outside Chicago for a night and did the Legoland Discovery center. For Joel it was awesome. They have 2 little rides one of which is a castle ride to find the dragon. He got his picture taken with Lego Batman and Lego Darth Vadar. Chloe had hers taken with Lego President Obama and Harry Potter. I had mine taken with Lego Indiana Jones
They built in the "sand" which was all tan legos. They had huge Tan lego sheets with Lego bricks and of course shovels and pails. They had a good time. They got to build with a master builder and made a squirrel. They also built their own cars and raced them. We watched 3 4D movies and then shopped in the store.
After Legoland we went to Lou Matanila's pizza(not totally sure of spelling). Got deepdish pizza. I tried to like it because it was Chicago style pizza, but I am a diehard thin crust Pizza Fan! BUT the pizza was really good and the food there was excellent. So was the service.
The next day we got up checked out, and headed to the train. We got on the MERTA and road to downtown Chicago. Came out in Union Station and it was totally grand like in a movie with the long wooden benches. Something you would see in a movie.
We walked out caught a bus and jumped off 2 blocks from the American Girl store. Chloe was way overwhelmed, but she took it in stride and readjusted. She has been saving her money for almost a year now for her own American Girl Doll. we were going to go to New York for her birthday, but we decided when we planned this trip to do it in Chicago. She wanted Lanie originally which is the doll of the year, but changed her mind when we got to the store and bought a look a like doll. WITH HER VERY OWN MONEY SHE PAID! I was so proud of her, she chose some many times in so many gift shops on the trip to walk away from things because she was saving her money and she did it! She saved her money and she bought it.
After she bought her doll, my wonderful husband suggested lunch in the cafe which was awesome. I never suggested cause I thought he wouldn't go for it, but he suggested it! He asked, they had a cancellation so we went in and had lunch in the American Girl Cafe. They brought her doll a highchair and a cup and saucer. Chloe was thrilled. So was Annabelle(her doll's name). I did not know this but you can borrow a doll, so I think if I ever go back I will borrow one for me! I tell you walking through that store brought out the little girl in me and I really wanted a doll of my own.
After the American Girl Store we walked to Navy Pier. It was overcrowed because of Memorial Day Weekend. We walked to and through Millenium Park and then to the train station. Headed back to car and then on to Elkhart Indiana.
We got in to Elkhart late in the evening and ate at Callahan's and then checked in the hotel. We were all so tired we slept until 10 minutes before check out. We had to call the front desk and ask for some more time.
It was all so very fun!

Monday, May 31, 2010

delaware finally

on the PA turnpike we found DE plate. Road is awful.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Badlands, Snot, Wall Drug and the Corn Palace

Badlands-Bison, great rocks and formations. Warning scenic roads are winding. If you have someone like Chloe and myself best to take some dramamine first. Did I tell you she has thrown up twice now. Once in yellowstone and once on way to Snowqualamie. She does not do well on scenic roads!
Standing at the sign for a picture for the Badlands National Park Chloe sneezed as I took the picture. it is now the most favorite picture as she has snotted it all up yet is still smiling.
On the recommendation of my parents and the 6 pack we went to Corn Palace and after De Smet we did Wall Drug.
The Corn Palace is a place that started as a way for farmers to show their fruits of labor. To show that South Dakota was fertile. They covered the building in corn and oinions etc. They carry on the tradition today and change the murals every year. The corn husks cover the outside of the building and the inside. This year is travel(how appropriate). I liked the one with the airplane, joel liked the bison, tom liked the hands shaking and chloe lik the mt rushmore sall done in corn husks. Very neat.
After the corn palace we went to de smet a post all of itself. After DeSmet we decided to drive to Wall Drug. It is a really neat place. It was only mildly disappointing that the soda fountian, cafe and donut shop were closed for the season. They have all of that plus dinos outback and 27 different shopes all in one place. After we browsed we went around the corner and stayed at Best Western with the intention of getting dinner after we checked in. Guess what restaurants are closed for the season. So we had PB sandwhiches in the room. Next Day Legoland!

De Smet SD

One of the most exciting days on the trip for Chloe. De Smet has Laura Ingalls Wlder homestead. It is out in the middle of nowhere. we went through towns that had populations listed of 19, 25 etc. You have to really want to go there to get there because it is out near farms on dirt roads.
She squealed with joy. She hugged and thanked us over and over. She ran down the grassed hills with glee. She loved the barn with the baby calf and the kitten. She was impressed with the little house and barn and thought the sod house was gross sand decided it was awful to live in it.
It was a wonderful experience. Joel roped a calf (statue of course). He ran around with her just as excited.
We were there before they were offically opened but they had a school group there so they let us walk around for free. They did not have the activites going like rope making, feedind baby calfes, one room school day, or any interpretive people. So, free was good. It really did not matter to chloe. She could not believe she was there.
In the gift shop, we purchased a snowglobe and thry gave the kids and Tom free candy. Broken old time candy sticks, but again free. The kids loved it. The people were super nice.
It was a joyous moment as a parent to see how happy she was. I got a little weepy with happy tears. It was a great day for all.


Seems we only need Delaware now. In Indiana today on way to Ohio. Great Wolf Lodge tonight.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


So my kids are deprived. This is their first time ever on a real train. We stayed in Schamburg last night and are takin the train into the city. American girl store here we come! The kids are so excited to be riding the train. They chose to sit up top on the 2nd level.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Oh so much to tell

I still have to cover Wall drug and Wall the town that closes at dark and never opens until Memorial day weekend. The Badlands, the Corn Palace DeSmet Laura Ingalls Wilder Homestead, giant bug storm, South Dakota get some cellphone coverage already, snot, population of 19 sign, radio broadcasts about whose buying beans and corn for how much, natives getting restless, sheer joy of a little girl in De Smet, our desire for a motorhome, legoland, Lou Malniati's Pizzeria and more snoring. Please keep reading and read all the new posts I have made. I will try some more tomorrow, but we are doing American Girl Store and Navy Pier and then driving to RV Capital of the world.
Hey Ken hope you had a great birthday. Tried to call but cell was no where to be seen. Love ya big guy!

devil's tower

I forgot all about Devil's Tower before Spearfish Canyon. devil's tower is so bizarre. It is this huge tall round mountain in the woods that is all rock with huge slashes running down it's side. The native american's all have stories involving bear and how a bear craved the mountian with it's claws. There are prayer bundles and satches from Native Americans today as they hold the land to be sacred.
Chloe was amazed by this and couldn't believe people still do it today.
We saw some Italian rock climbers which was neat. It is a famous rock to climb.
Devil's Tower is the first National Monument. Cool huh!
Watch out for the prairie dogs. They are everywhere and even dart across the road. One narrow,y escaped with it's life as Tom had no idea what I was talking about and thought I was making it up until the last minute. It made it to safety.
Beautiful to behold and worth the drive.

Crazy Horse and Mt Rushmore

Crazy Horse and Mt Rushmore are places you really have to be going to and not just driving in the area. They are out in the middle of nowhere. Although spearfish was close enough fo rus to stay. Crazy Horse Monument is so huge the face is bigger than Mt Rushmore. The crazy part Tom and I do not understand is that they turned down federal funding twice now. All of it is from private monies like park admittance 10 per adult or 27 per car. We watched a movie about it, then walked through the center and the cultural center. Joel picked a rock he liked from off the mountain, put in a donation and we took pictures and left. Chloe had lots of questions about Native Americans being displaced and Indian reservations. Another great learning opportunity.
we stopped at a resturant in a KOA called Ponderosa(not like the ones back home at all). We had some of the best home cooking. Then drove to Mt Rushmore.
The drive for all of this was in the Black hills, so we went past the Black Hills Goldmine and drove through Deadwood.
Seeing Mt Rushmore is amazing. I was so excited. Chloe said it was huge and began to tell us the presidents. She actually corrected Tom on one of them.
Chloe did the Jr Ranger program there as well. And we met one of the actually men that worked on Mt Rushmore and saw his tools. Chloe's only question was"Is that heavy" pointing to the piece of rock that was honeycombed to show what he carved off the mountain. You see to do details they did close shallow honeycomb jackhammering then came in with chisels to get the chunks of for better control on the details they wanted. A wealth of info and she wanted to know if the rock was heavy. I do see her logic though she thought it might be lighter because of all the holes in it.
Mt Rushmore was one of those places I never thought I would see in my lifetime. It was amazing to be there and see this magnificent piece of artwork that represents our country. I was proud and sad as I am sure our founding fathers never meant for our government and country to be in the state it is today. It made me hope for greater things for my daugther and son as they get older. It was inspiring.

SpearFish Canyon Lodge

Drove from Yellowstone to Spearfish Canyon Lodge. It is in the Black Hills National Forest. It is definetly worth the drive. They have a lot of falls there and in the Black Hills you can drive and then hike to the highest point between the Rockies and the Alps. It was a beautiful drive and if you like to hike or camp they certainly have that to do. The Lodge was great.


Where to begin. If you haven't been-go, if you have been you already know. We entered the North Gate through the Roosevelt Arch. It is a very inspiring thing to behold the mountains snow capped and see the huge arch and then the sign Entering YellowStone National Forest. I never thought I would ever make it to Yellowstone in my life, but this trip has made our family realize our country is large as a whole but small enough we can get there. Anything is possible! Tom and I were in awe of just being there. It is breat taking. As we drove into Mammoth we saw a Bison and Elk just standing there and eating. Chloe was beside herself. She was so excited to get a picture with them. (before we knew of the warning). We did Mammoth hot springs and the kids not impressed because of the smell really just wanted to be in the car. They are really beautiful though. The colors are amazing. The smell not so much. Plus, I am paranoid when there is a warning not to breath in the steam as it contains microorganisms that cause Legionare's Disease and Fatal Menegitis. Yea!
we were to check in at Old Faithful, so we just stayed on the loop and headed in that direction and stopped at everything we could on the way. AS well as a few unscheduled stops, like Bison crossing the road and just standing in it. That happened to us twice. The one time we put the windows down and listened to them snorting while they ate and we heard a baby one meewing to its mama, it seemed as though it lost her, but found her after a few hollers.
The fields are full of Bison and Elk. The kids loved spotting wildlife. They did not like getting in and out of the car as it got progessively colder and colder as we went until well, you guessed it-it snowed. So, we were close by Old faithful and decided to skip the middle geyser basin and head to the hotel. We got the hotel checked in and went to our room and had pb and nutella sandwhiches for dinner did some hotel exploring and then of to bed for an early day.
we got up had our breakfast and then went and got Chloe a Jr Ranger paper to begin her quest for the Jr Ranger Patch. Then we walked outside and did the obligatory Old Faithful watch. Chloe was mildly impressed. we walked to the Castle Geyser which is now my favorite and saw it erupting. It one goes every 14 hours and when it goes it goes for 50 minutes-we did not watch the whole thing. Kids and I proceeded back to the hotel as it was freezing and starting to snow and I did not pack for snow so layered or not it was cold. Tom went to watch Daisy erupt. Chloe worked on her paper for Jr Ranger status while we waited for Tom. Ask him when you get the chance to tell you his story about the bison. You know they can gore people right?
I learned some facts about our hotel while waiting for Tom like the Fire Place has four fireplaces and four small fireplaces on the corners. The One large one in the front is the only one that really works now since the earthquake in the 1950s rattled the building. Also because of that earthquake they had to make some saftey changes to Old Faithful Inn, which is the largest wood structure in the US. like running steel beams down the middle of the 76 foot tall beams of wood in the lobby. 76 feet tall to make the lobby have a forest feel since that is how tall they grow in the forest.
we had lunch in the Inn and then head to the car for the drive to all the geysers. We did as much as we could, but it kept snowing and the kids where freezing. I took 4 of my knitting blanket squares and I sewed 2 together for each of the kids, That way they would have hats. Still so cold and snowy most things were barely visible. So, we called it an early day and went back to the hotel. Which Old faithful has no children's activites and the ice cream parlor and deli closed early unannouced. So they kids did a play in the room for me and Tom. It was funny cause they even did commercials. Plus, the bison decided to camp outside our window and eat. That entertained the kids for awhile.
The next morning we got up early and checked out. We drove around to the falls and Yellowstones Grand canyon. While there we saw a Bald Eagle soaring in the canyon. Magnificent! The views were all breathtaking. we had to take it very slow because the roads were covered in snow and icy and there was actually a car that had gone of the road into the ditch and Tom got nasty looks at the ranger and large body language to slow down. Anyway, lots of parts of the park where closed and so we had to go back out the North Exit since the east road was closed for snow. we did not see everything we wanted, but that is ok because we intend on going back
On the way out of town, chloe and joel handed in their papers for their Jr ranger badges. Joel's was a sticker because his was free and Chloe's was a patch since her's cost $3.00. She got quizzed by the ranger at the desk and then they made an annoucement for everyone to hear that they were Junior Ranger's. She is totally excited.
P.S. Thinking I might want to be a vegetarian now. The Bison are amazing.

6000 miles

One way to Chicago we did our 6000 mark. So far on this trip we have driven about 6000 miles and our last tank of gas we got 30 miles to the gallon. we paid 2.57 a gallon.

Rhode Island

Before I forget, we found Rhode Island at Old Faithful Inn. Along with, Conneticut and Maine. Looking for Delaware and vermont. Tom and I agreed that if Delaware is the only state we need we will drive there or close to there just to view a plate!

Snowqualmie to Butte

Well, I already posted that there was snow on our way. we finally got to Hotel and ordered Pizza and then headed to swimming pool. Swam until they kicked us out to close the pool. Meet some great Homeschool Girls that amazingly enough actually where homeschooled their entire life and went to college(yes it can be done(: ). The one had just returned from a 2 month mission fieldtrip in Thailand. She did it to find herself and what God wanted from her,now she knows.
Got up from Butte had breakfast and hit the Suds N Fun-a laundromat casino- to do our laundry before we hit Yellowstone. It was quite an interesting combination doing Laundry where there are slot machines. I sat and knit and wondered why you would waste laundry money on a slot machine. Anyway, I did my laundry there so not it is something I can add to my done list. "Do laundry in a laundromat casino" check! Tom did some WalMart shopping to load up on food for Yellowstone. Then we set out on our way.

Seattle Catch up

In Seattle, the day after the Children's Museum we did the Aquarium. we walked and it wasn't far from the hotel. Maybe 9 blocks. We got there just in time to see a demonstration in the large welcome tank. Joel loved when diver Katie did a handstand. It was a large tank representing life in the Sound. We moved on to the Tidepools where you were allowed to touch seastars(cause they really are not fish) and anemones-they feel like cat's tongues sticky. Chloe feel in love with this area and spent a good bit of time touching and got to touch a live Sand Dollar as well. Joel loved making the tube worms contract back into their tube. We moved on to the Giant Octopi and the tube of Jellyfish you walk through. Both Exhibits very cool. They have fur seals, sea otters, harbor seals, and lots of fish including a few sharks. One of the otters was a rescue from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill which gave an opportunity to speak current events. Chloe wants to save the world and it is always so simple to a child, why do we make it complicated when we grow up? A question I do not know an answer for. It was raining when we left and I had one umbrella which really does not work with a boy who wants to just splash in the puddles and a daughter who want to hold it but use it like a parasol instead of an umbrealla. By the time we were back I had lost my patience and actually yelled at them on the streets of Seattle for having a good time in the rain. I cannot cross streets with them in the rain, they had a different agenda than me. I realized after how silly it was of me to worry if they got hit by a car I should have just let them splash and play! :)
The next day they did not want to do anything. they slept in, we ate lunch with Tom and then walked to the Public library 2 blocks over. It is HUGE. 11 stories(that is building height not books) They Children's section was the size of the entire Rust library(for those that live in Loudoun County) The holds section was 2 Sterling Libraries. They have an entire room just for maps. Needless to say we spent a great deal of time there. Chloe desperately missing her books. Later, Tom walked her back to the library and then down to Rocky Mountain Chocolat Factory and bought apples. Mine was Granny Smith covered in caramel, white chocolate, Peanute Butter, Chocolate Chips, Crushed Peanuts, and Dark Chocolate called Party in my Mouth. Soooo good.
We did the Pacific Science Center on Friday. It is a great museum, my favorite part is the butterfly conservatory, Joel's favorite part was the outside water feature with water cannons to shoot at things to make them spin plus getting to see how a toliet works when you flush it(they have a toliet cut in half and you can flush it and see the water in action, Chloe's favorite part was the Tide pools and getting to hold hermit crabs in the water. They have animated Dinosaurs, Science experiment demonstrations, bug display(Nasty looking millipede,scorpions etc), Space exhibit and the human body.
That night we meet Tom at the Monorail station and walked to the Movies and Watched Shrek Forever After. Kids thought it very funny but I laughed so much it was hard to hear if they were laughing! Dinner was then where we saw Matthew Gray Gubler.
Every Night was swimming, bath and bed.
We got up very early Saturday Morning and left. Drove to Snowqualmie falls. On the way, a black bear ran out in the road so we spotted so wildlife. The falls were very beautiful. Foggy and rainy,but beautiful.

Catching up

So here we are in Chicago and I need to do some catch up.First things first, most of the posts have been from my phone and I am terrible texter. We never seem to have time to blog when we get to the hotel since we always do dinner and swim and then bath and bed and early the next day off we go for another adventurious day. Here lies a problem with the blog it is great in theory until you hit Montana on way to Yellowstone and suddenly you have very little if any cell phone service. So, I have a list of what everyone wants me to post and I am to play catch up now that we are back in civilization.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Yes people we drive in snow yet again. On our way to Butte Montana and hit snow. Snow so thick you couldn't see. Snowflakes the size of quarters. Turns out they are forecasted to get 2 to 4 inches. Isnt next week memorial day weekend?

Children's Museum-Seattle

We went to the museum on day 3 of our trip. Lots of little things to do, but we couldn't decide whose turn uit was to chose. Still it kept us busy for the day. Favorite part was the market. Tom met us and we went up into the Spaceneedle. The kids thought it was awesome. They view was awesome. We could not see Mt Rainer or Mt St Helens because of a storm that had gone through Seattle. We had a great day.
Rock Bottom Brewry for dinner and swimming after.

Children's Museum-Seattle

We went to the museum on day 3 of our trip. Lots of little things to do, but we couldn't decide whose turn uit was to chose. Still it kept us busy for the day. Favorite part was the market. Tom met us and we went up into the Spaceneedle. The kids thought it was awesome. They view was awesome. We could not see Mt Rainer or Mt St Helens because of a storm that had gone through Seattle. We had a great day.
Rock Bottom Brewry for dinner and swimming after.

Celebrity sighting

Sitting in Fox sports grill last night for a late dinner after watching Shrek (awesome movie btw). Sitting at the bar across from our table was Matthew Gray Gubler. Dr. Reid from Criminals minds, which is my favorite character on the show. So exciting!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Chloe's Seattle Blog

i saw kumkuat and purple potatoes to make purple mashed potatos.we saw flying fish not the actual ones but people throwing them.the smell was relly stinky well you know make me throw up.joels snoring is getting bad.and we saw giant poppys at the flying fish market.there isnt much to do here.i really wish to know how things are doing. scout sammy will well everybody i miss you chloe


Sooo much to say. Portland was fun we ate at VooDoo doughnut which is a MUST when you go to Portland. You have to get the Maple Bacon Bar. Maple covered doughnut with fresh cooked bacon on top. Sooooo goooood! Joel's was covered in M&Ms and Chloe's was Blue Raspberry so it was dipped in Kool Aid Powder. We drove past the World's Smallest Park- Mill End Park. Leprechauns go there and they have snail races there.
We did the Portland Zoo which was very good and the kids loved the Fruit Bat exhibit-they were very active and interesting to watch.
Portland to Seattle was a good trip. We ate at a Brickoven Pizza Place and had incredible food and then crazy enough drove to a Laundry mat to finish our laundry. The dryer at the hotel did not dry it after 3 hours. So we left with wet clothes. The Laundry mat was not much better since we split the clothes and dryer 2 left everything in it covered in unknown grease stains. But it worked and we were on our way. Oh we did make one more stop at a Krispy Kreme for some yummy glazed doughnuts for our breakfast at the hotel.
Mount St. Helens is beautiful. We saw the Spaceneedle lit up as we came into town.
The hotel is called The Inn at the WAC. It is very swanky. Valet, doormen, frontdoor security to show card to before you can get in. Has a barber shop, spa, 5 floors of fitness stuff and a healthfood bar for lunch. Won't help with my ever expanding waste line(local foods along our trip have been very tasty) :)
Took the kids out and was very scared to even venture out the next day on my own because of the amount of homeless beggers, mentally ill screamers, drug transactions, street propositions and of course the Gentleman's club. The McDonald's has a 30 minute wait limit(and I am sure I saw Paul or atleast a couple of his friends several times over in there!) Which Hey Paul tell all of your friends it is great to buck the system, but be respectful of others and keep the profanity (especially the F word) off the clothes. Thanks! Kids like Chloe don't need an explanation of what that word means and why it is not ok to keep saying it in McDonald's. Got to explain about strangers trying everytrick to lure kids away as one tried to lure a few a way in McDonalds with a GForce Movie. Needless to say I was soo upset with Seattle I just wanted to stay in our room. Oh which we did the first day we were here cause the kids wanted to. That was the first day while Tom was in class. When he was finished we went walking with a request for Chicken Nuggets. That is when I saw it all and was frightened.
Oh and Seattle, love the whole grunge thing, but even I can "look" the part and still smell good. Something to be said for a little soap, water and deodorant. :)
Well, I ventured on and went out today and walked the kids to Pike Place Market. It is 2 blocks over and 6 blocks down from our hotel. The kids had such a great time. They saw them throw fish, buy a turtle(toy of course), see lots of homemade items(Shannon, Chris and April we could soo have a booth here), buy yummy Monster Chocolate Chip Cookies made with organic and vegan products, see the Gum wall(I just couldn't let them push theirs on with everyone elses pretty gross), beautiful flowers, musicians, free samples which I recommend the dark chocolate pasta, and see cheese being made. I must say if you are ever here you have to eat at Breener's Cheese Shop and get the Mac N Cheese. IT was hands down the best Mac N Cheese Ihave ever had. Made with their flagship cheese and tonight was Mariachi so it had a little mild kick to it. Soooooo gooood.
Had snacks and lunch in the room and then went to the pool. Swam for awhile and then came up for more cookie and milk. That thing was huge! Tom came we went for dinner. Joel feel asleep so Tom carried him 9 blocks up hill. Went out for Ice Cream after a little while in the room and the Gelatio was closed so we headed back a different way and lo and behold a Hawaii License plate went passed. Once we got back to the room rain was forecasted for tomorrow so I got kids snack while Tom went to car for Umbrella and lo and behold an Alaska License plate sitting out front of our hotel. God is loving playing the game with us because he just keeps sending us at the right moments to do other things and puts them their in front of us. :) Dad you are right Rhode Island may now be the trickest we have. It seems the upper Northeast is our problem now. Rhode Island and Delaware as well.
Tomorrow I am walking the kids to the Monorail system and headed to the Seattle Center where we will do the Children's Museum and the Space Needle with Tom when he gets off work. Tomorrow's Dinner is at the Rock Bottom Brew House. If Tom or myself drank it would be the best place in town to get a "sample platter" of local brewed beers. Food looks good though.
Lots of ritzy places to shop right near us like Gucci, LV, Brooks Brothers, and regular places like Old Navy, H&M, Levi, Nike, and American Eagle Outfiiters. The stores are so huge. I love the variety in them compared to a mall.
I will tell ya it will be great Joel has his surgery cause we are all so tired of sleeping with him in confined space. His new name is Snorey McSnore. ;)
Chloe wants me to tell you she loves the jetted Steam Shower. We let her use it tonight instead of the large jacuzzi garden tub.
Cool thing-Tom decided since we will be in Yellowstone we should stay there, so despite price we have opted to stay at the Old Faithful Inn. As it has been said many times over "We are making memories!"
Which for those of you reading this that were in Seattle with me those many years ago, I am remembering so many things I had forgotten. Like my first HagenDaz bar was here in Seattle and I loved it. My dad offered to buy the homeless man food and he turned it down, my aunts and parents created a love of hershey special dark bars that I didn't even realize(and I would hide my bar too if I had been a grown up then), Super Mario was awesome and Ken you should have given me more of a chance to play it, Paul was so much fun to pull around in the Laundry basket and Uncle Gary was romantic to Give Aunt Lenore Roses.
See you all soon and will write when we can.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I am having the best vacation ever!

you read the title iam having the best vacaton ever.i forgot to tell you that i saw a peacock at a place like willamsburg. we walked in the ruts of the oregon trail. and we saw wild horses.miss you all chloe.

Some photos

These are us at Brekenridge, great Salt Lake,
Blue speck in bridge picture is base jumper.

Doing Laundry now so will try and post more later.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Following Up for Yesterday

So I did not get to talk about the TreeHouse Children's museum. It was really fun. The kids had such a great time and we actually ran out of time to play there. They have Pop-Up story books from around the world for you to step in and play. For example little Red Riding Hood from Germany. A rodeo area where you can ride a bucking Bull and a horse. A cowboy campfire, Indian Teepee, Doll Hospital, Music Room, Oval Office, Interactive US map, KNights and castles, and a huge treehouse. Joel loved dropping the parachute guys off the top of the tree and Chloe loved the farm and picking eggs from the chickens and milking the cows.
After that we went to Dinosaur Park. It was really cool. They have a robotic dinosaur display set up. Lots of Really bones and rocks. Then outside they have lots of dino statutes and info plaques. We really didn't get to spend much time there because as we were going in someones tire blew. While reaching for the door we saw it was a nice little old lady by herself and I could picture was Grammy trying to fix it herself. Well Tom started to chenge her tire and next thing you know police and fire department medical people there because the driver behind her called them cause the blown tire lady was swervin all over the place. Plus she felt the lady was disoriented when she got out of the car, but I feel it was she was really just anxious because of everything going on.
After that we drove to Idaho and well I filled you in last night with things we did, oh except about the falls. They were amazing and beautiful and we saw Elk getting to the falls. They are actually taller than Niagra Falls. The kids were excited because it was the first time Joel ever remembers seeing falls.
Chloe wants me to mention we saw what could have been Praire Dogs or weasels or something we were not familiar with eating grass at the falls.
Today on to Portland with a stop at the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Twin Falls

Just have to say amazing! We just went over a canyon that the Snake river carved and we did it on the only legal bridge in the US that you can base jump from. While takin pictures at the scenic overlook, we witnessed a base jump. It was amazing. Needless to say Joel now wants a kid sized parachute for him and chloe.
Dinner now at Tomato's italian grill then Shoshone Falls then Boise for the night.

Bugs, Trees and Dinosaurs

I had a Forrest Gump moment today. Went to Antelope Island on the Great Salt lake and the lake was like glass. It was impossible to tell where the sky ended and the lake began. Huge Snow capped mountains and blue skies reflecting in it. I will post pictures. The bugs there were so bad they looked like smoke clouds, and they were biting gnats. we stayed in the car. Tom will tell ya about it.
Texting from car kids need snack will blog more later about treehouse and dinos.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

On the road

60 miles from Utah. The Rockies were AMAZING. It snowed last night so they were ever so spectacular. The snow was not really an issue for driving.
Kids watching movie and Tom is driving and dictating to me what to type. I am using my cell so there may be some spelling errors just based on my thumbs.
I truly cannot convey the beauty of the mountains. I have decided I want to move here and have this as my view everyday.
Went through Eisenhower tunnel which is highest in elevation and is 2 miles long during which we passed the continental divide. Sorry Tom is telling me he already told you that.
did he tell you we saw the Colorado River and went through Glenwood Canyon?
driving beside river makes us wanna learn to fly fish.
catch up with ya later

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A snowy night in Denver

I am not sure that I ever have (or wanted to for that matter) seen it snow in May - until tonight. Of all the nights for this to happen, it had to be tonight going into tomorrow morning. We are, of course, leaving Denver for Salt lake tomorrow; thus, we are crossing the Rocky Mountains. The scenery will be beautiful - white mountains, white trees, my white knuckles gripped tightly to the steering wheel. Sounds like the perfect recipe for a 538 mile peaceful relaxing car ride. We are all praying (meaning I strongly urged the kids) for clear roads and a safe trip. The trip should be interesting as well for all of the tunnels along I70 in Colorado. The Eisenhower tunnel is the highest tunnel on the US interstate system. Its elevation is ~11000 ft and the tunnel goes for almost 2 miles.

Today in Denver started poorly but ended up great. Allergies/altitude made me feel cruddy this morning. Thanks to Claritin and Tylenol, I was better by 10. We drove through residential neighborhoods still trying to break into spring while we were on our way to the Littleton Museum. Admission - free; need I say more. If you know me, the guide had me at the "FR". The authentic buildings really stressed to the kids to be thankful for what we have. The weaving and photography exhibits were a big hit with all of us. We each secretly chose our favorite and then revelaed them to each other.
Dino Ridge was next with essentially a dinosaur highway. We all got to see and touch dinosaur fossils and footprints. Fascinating to see; even more fascinating (I am sure) if it was not bitterly cold outside. We opted for the bus ride ($9 total). Well worth it to escape the elements and get the instruction from the tour guide.
After a quick lunch at Sonic, we headed to the Denver Science and Nature Museum. Truly impressive exhibits done very much in the diorama fashion (think the cavemen from Night at the Museum). The detail was exquisite - even down to the dust clouds from the paws of the cheetah and gazelle engaged in a life and death chase. The dino exhibit was amazing especially the full-size diplodocus.
Free meal at the hotel followed by swimming and bed. Essentially a perfect evening.

Things I am thankful for :
New car (roughly 28 mpg plus leg room for the front passenger side)
Free admission
Free food
My wife who always remembers we have 2 kids (especially when I forget)
My kids and their better than expected attitudes and resilience
God - for making snow melt quickly and allowing road crews to do a great job (I am confident of these things for tomorrow. After all, if we asked but did not really think God could do it - then why ask in the first place.) That is why I am confident tomorrow will be another wonderful day to rememebr as I share this experience with my family.

My Cup of Orange Juice-by Chloe

Today was the best day ever. We got to go to 2 differnt museums. We got to see baby lambs 2 weeks old. We got to see animals behind glass that were sculptures that looked like real animals. I touched dinosaur bones still in the rocks and dinosaur footprints. We saw 4 different types of footprints one was crocodile. Mommy and baby Iguanadon footprints were together. Joel and I are having fun.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 5

Cool things: Long horn Steer, Tumbleweed, Snow capped Rockies, Wind Farm, "Big Stinging Rain"(gotta say that like Forrest Gump), Kids being excited about Wind Farm, sheep, baby horses, dead coyote(sounds grosser than it was), the soap dispenser/water dispenser/hand dryer all in one combo at a Missouri rest area, Realizing our SuperWalMart really is Super compared to Rural Kansas Super WalMart, Being able to say" I don't think we are in Kansas anymore!"

Up this late cause we have snow coming to Colorado and Wyoming and trying to figure out how to get to Salt Lake and not be hindered by the storm.

well, we had a break at my SIL house for my BIL graduation from Seminary School. Congrats Dave! Highlight of the trip (other than seeing them) was eating at Fiorella' Jack Stack Bar-b-que (Happy Dave?) Anyway, we had a great time spend some time with them and sharing in their joy of being able to done with Kansas FINALLY.

So we left Kansas City Kansas this morning 5:50 a.m. central time. Kids slept in the car. we got off the road in Abilene because of the "Big Stinging Rain" and hail. Yes, there was a tornado watch. We had breakfast and continued on our way. Made a pitstop at a rest area nothing exciting. Went until we found a "WalMart Supercenter" which was tiny. Picked up some lunch there and DS car charger cord so Chloe can play in the car. Drove until we stopped at the Welcome center and then again until another rest area.
I 70 is a dead interstate, mostly just truckers. That kind of helps us since we are playing the collect the license plate game. We have over 30 now. We thought Alabama and Louisiana would be the hardest, but found them today along with Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina. Looks like the upper East Coast is gonna be the hardest to find, but it is a long trip. Hoping we get lucky and spot an Alaska one in Seattle.
Both kids supper stuffy now with head colds I guess, but they trudge on on our "sample the US" trip. They are actually having a good time and enjoying themselves. I am currently the only one up cause I wanted to get this blog done and look over new route to Salt Lake. I have 3 snorers. Joel is by far the worst.
Chloe is "teaching"us all kinds of fun facts. Learned today it was a keg of whiskey and the american flag that got 10 miles of track laid in 10 hours ,record time, to meet in the middle to connect the two sides. The Kansas Pacific connected then at Denver and Dodge City. August 15, 1870 , but the Union Pacific did not have the bridge over the Mississippi River yet so passengers had to be ferried across to Omaha. Did you know that?. we do now cause Chloe read it at a rest area with Tom.
Tomorrow,Doing Littleton Museum, which is an actul 1830s working farm like Williamsburg with costume workers and all. After that it is off to Dinosaur ridge and then lunch and Downtown to the NAture and Science center, Joel is excited because they have an egypt display with mummies and Chloe is excited to see the Ghangis Khan exhibit, we studied him this year with the great wall of China. If things go well we will do the Aquarium tomorrow night. Trying to do outdoor stuff in A.M. since Snow and sleet are coming Tuesday night and Wednesday A.M. Yes we are going to be in snow.
Things I have learned: Beach Balls and Balloons are a lot of fun to have at a rest area. The kids can sleep in the clothes they will wear the next or even wear their Pjs all the next day either way it works. Buying bags of apples and deli meat and cheese is a better lunch than slipping into McDonalds because my kids actually eat it. Packing in separate bins is great, but you need to pull clothes for the next day in the daylight. Don't wait until the other driver is getting ready to sleep to ask" I am kind of tired do you mind driving?" Bring the Madlibs baby cause it gets crazy in the car when little kids are involved.
We are having to change our plans slightly but are still playing it by ear. Colorado and Wyoming are calling for 18-24 inches of snow on the routes we have planned to get to Salt Lake. It is to start in the early morning hours we want to leave. We have found alternative route but it is to get a dusting and potential for more. Sooooo...........we mull over the options and turn it over to GOD to decide what we should do. Kids think snow is cool, but really not so much when it is that much and you need to drive in it.
So our itenary may change. Keep checking in with us. Sooo tired gonna hit the sack now.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Road Trip to end all Road Trips

So here we are second night on the trip and we have covered 830 miles. The first day was mostly driving and little pitstops to keep the kids happy. We stopped over in Indianapolis and today we drove to St. Louis.
We didn't do anything yesterday but drive, talk, bond and swim. We got up this morning and had breakfast at our Hampton Inn and then drove to the Indianapolis Children's Museum(we went 2 years ago and really liked it). The kids thought it rocked. They loved the Take me to Eygpt, Barbie, and Dragon exhibits They also like the Science Depot,because it had a huge water table and water play area, building elements like pulleys, mulch with shovels and wheel barrels etc.. It was a lot of fun.
After the museum, we drove until it was food time and we ate at a Golden Corral. Hungry kids ate heartily! Then we drove to St Louis with a pitstop at a rest area. If you ever drive on Interstate 70, stop at the Cumberland Gap rest Area, which is mile 86 I believe. It doesn't call it the Cumberland Gap restarea but it is. It has a great little playground to help the kids release energy!
Some of the interesting things we have seen are: daddy's old cereal bowls from when he use to be a giant and some of his lego's too. They were at a rest stop in Ohio. Beautiful Rainbow clouds in the sky, really big farms, taking the Alleghany tunnel through the mountain,buffalo on a farm,St. Louis Arch, Giant Birdhouse, Giant Cross, Dinosaurs busting out of building and crawling into a building, daddy's plate from when he was a giant, Mississippi River, mommy's barbie from when she was 8(peaches N Cream),visited Egypt, 2 indoor pools and 6 states in one day, a total of 8 states so far!
Chloe's thoughts: We saw horses and buffalo. The best part was the Barbie exhibit at the children's museum. They had where you could make your own barbie clothes on little models, a place to put cloth on the big models to make big clothes, lots of barbies on dsiplay and a place to do barbies hair.
Joel's thoughts: Egypt was really cool. We flew in an airplane to get there. we played drums. I liked the big dome with the dinosaurs cause I wasn't scared.
Tom's Thoughts: Filled up the car twice, First time 26 miles to the gallon, second time 29 miles per gallon. I thank God for DVD players in the car. The kids and Michelle have been great sports so far. Why aren't indoor pools actually warm? I am not as young as I use to be so I am very tired 830 miles is a long drive in 2 days. we are 14% of the way there.

Michelle's thoughts: This is the most awesome trip ever so far! The kids have only had one small meltdown for about 3 minutes and then we were cool. Joel is really hard to share a hotel room with since his snoring is sooo bad. Chloe is mad at him a lot for the snoring. America really is beautiful. There is soo much pretty and picturesque scenery. Plus, I have been able to actually knit in the car and not get sick(I get car sick easily_ask my mom). I have finished 1 and 1/2 squares for my blanket. I am truly enjoying the time with Tom and the kids. Wish we could do things like this more often. I am glad my parents took me on trips as a kid so I am conditioned to driving long distances. This trip probably never would have happened if it weren't for them doing crazy things like driving me and my brother to California when I was 7 from Maryland. I am hoping to finish square and start a new one tomorrow. Time change has us all off.

Tomorrow is Magic House(children's museum) in St Louis and maybe the arch or City Museum. Then we are off to Aunt Becky's House. we are staying with her and Uncle Dave for his graduation from Seminary school.
we hope to be able to find our camera cord in the car and download some pictures to this blog! Stay tuned for more fun from the 4 Duncans on the road!