Friday, May 28, 2010

devil's tower

I forgot all about Devil's Tower before Spearfish Canyon. devil's tower is so bizarre. It is this huge tall round mountain in the woods that is all rock with huge slashes running down it's side. The native american's all have stories involving bear and how a bear craved the mountian with it's claws. There are prayer bundles and satches from Native Americans today as they hold the land to be sacred.
Chloe was amazed by this and couldn't believe people still do it today.
We saw some Italian rock climbers which was neat. It is a famous rock to climb.
Devil's Tower is the first National Monument. Cool huh!
Watch out for the prairie dogs. They are everywhere and even dart across the road. One narrow,y escaped with it's life as Tom had no idea what I was talking about and thought I was making it up until the last minute. It made it to safety.
Beautiful to behold and worth the drive.

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