Sunday, May 30, 2010

De Smet SD

One of the most exciting days on the trip for Chloe. De Smet has Laura Ingalls Wlder homestead. It is out in the middle of nowhere. we went through towns that had populations listed of 19, 25 etc. You have to really want to go there to get there because it is out near farms on dirt roads.
She squealed with joy. She hugged and thanked us over and over. She ran down the grassed hills with glee. She loved the barn with the baby calf and the kitten. She was impressed with the little house and barn and thought the sod house was gross sand decided it was awful to live in it.
It was a wonderful experience. Joel roped a calf (statue of course). He ran around with her just as excited.
We were there before they were offically opened but they had a school group there so they let us walk around for free. They did not have the activites going like rope making, feedind baby calfes, one room school day, or any interpretive people. So, free was good. It really did not matter to chloe. She could not believe she was there.
In the gift shop, we purchased a snowglobe and thry gave the kids and Tom free candy. Broken old time candy sticks, but again free. The kids loved it. The people were super nice.
It was a joyous moment as a parent to see how happy she was. I got a little weepy with happy tears. It was a great day for all.

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