Friday, May 7, 2010

The Road Trip to end all Road Trips

So here we are second night on the trip and we have covered 830 miles. The first day was mostly driving and little pitstops to keep the kids happy. We stopped over in Indianapolis and today we drove to St. Louis.
We didn't do anything yesterday but drive, talk, bond and swim. We got up this morning and had breakfast at our Hampton Inn and then drove to the Indianapolis Children's Museum(we went 2 years ago and really liked it). The kids thought it rocked. They loved the Take me to Eygpt, Barbie, and Dragon exhibits They also like the Science Depot,because it had a huge water table and water play area, building elements like pulleys, mulch with shovels and wheel barrels etc.. It was a lot of fun.
After the museum, we drove until it was food time and we ate at a Golden Corral. Hungry kids ate heartily! Then we drove to St Louis with a pitstop at a rest area. If you ever drive on Interstate 70, stop at the Cumberland Gap rest Area, which is mile 86 I believe. It doesn't call it the Cumberland Gap restarea but it is. It has a great little playground to help the kids release energy!
Some of the interesting things we have seen are: daddy's old cereal bowls from when he use to be a giant and some of his lego's too. They were at a rest stop in Ohio. Beautiful Rainbow clouds in the sky, really big farms, taking the Alleghany tunnel through the mountain,buffalo on a farm,St. Louis Arch, Giant Birdhouse, Giant Cross, Dinosaurs busting out of building and crawling into a building, daddy's plate from when he was a giant, Mississippi River, mommy's barbie from when she was 8(peaches N Cream),visited Egypt, 2 indoor pools and 6 states in one day, a total of 8 states so far!
Chloe's thoughts: We saw horses and buffalo. The best part was the Barbie exhibit at the children's museum. They had where you could make your own barbie clothes on little models, a place to put cloth on the big models to make big clothes, lots of barbies on dsiplay and a place to do barbies hair.
Joel's thoughts: Egypt was really cool. We flew in an airplane to get there. we played drums. I liked the big dome with the dinosaurs cause I wasn't scared.
Tom's Thoughts: Filled up the car twice, First time 26 miles to the gallon, second time 29 miles per gallon. I thank God for DVD players in the car. The kids and Michelle have been great sports so far. Why aren't indoor pools actually warm? I am not as young as I use to be so I am very tired 830 miles is a long drive in 2 days. we are 14% of the way there.

Michelle's thoughts: This is the most awesome trip ever so far! The kids have only had one small meltdown for about 3 minutes and then we were cool. Joel is really hard to share a hotel room with since his snoring is sooo bad. Chloe is mad at him a lot for the snoring. America really is beautiful. There is soo much pretty and picturesque scenery. Plus, I have been able to actually knit in the car and not get sick(I get car sick easily_ask my mom). I have finished 1 and 1/2 squares for my blanket. I am truly enjoying the time with Tom and the kids. Wish we could do things like this more often. I am glad my parents took me on trips as a kid so I am conditioned to driving long distances. This trip probably never would have happened if it weren't for them doing crazy things like driving me and my brother to California when I was 7 from Maryland. I am hoping to finish square and start a new one tomorrow. Time change has us all off.

Tomorrow is Magic House(children's museum) in St Louis and maybe the arch or City Museum. Then we are off to Aunt Becky's House. we are staying with her and Uncle Dave for his graduation from Seminary school.
we hope to be able to find our camera cord in the car and download some pictures to this blog! Stay tuned for more fun from the 4 Duncans on the road!

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