Friday, May 14, 2010

Following Up for Yesterday

So I did not get to talk about the TreeHouse Children's museum. It was really fun. The kids had such a great time and we actually ran out of time to play there. They have Pop-Up story books from around the world for you to step in and play. For example little Red Riding Hood from Germany. A rodeo area where you can ride a bucking Bull and a horse. A cowboy campfire, Indian Teepee, Doll Hospital, Music Room, Oval Office, Interactive US map, KNights and castles, and a huge treehouse. Joel loved dropping the parachute guys off the top of the tree and Chloe loved the farm and picking eggs from the chickens and milking the cows.
After that we went to Dinosaur Park. It was really cool. They have a robotic dinosaur display set up. Lots of Really bones and rocks. Then outside they have lots of dino statutes and info plaques. We really didn't get to spend much time there because as we were going in someones tire blew. While reaching for the door we saw it was a nice little old lady by herself and I could picture was Grammy trying to fix it herself. Well Tom started to chenge her tire and next thing you know police and fire department medical people there because the driver behind her called them cause the blown tire lady was swervin all over the place. Plus she felt the lady was disoriented when she got out of the car, but I feel it was she was really just anxious because of everything going on.
After that we drove to Idaho and well I filled you in last night with things we did, oh except about the falls. They were amazing and beautiful and we saw Elk getting to the falls. They are actually taller than Niagra Falls. The kids were excited because it was the first time Joel ever remembers seeing falls.
Chloe wants me to mention we saw what could have been Praire Dogs or weasels or something we were not familiar with eating grass at the falls.
Today on to Portland with a stop at the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center.

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