Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 5

Cool things: Long horn Steer, Tumbleweed, Snow capped Rockies, Wind Farm, "Big Stinging Rain"(gotta say that like Forrest Gump), Kids being excited about Wind Farm, sheep, baby horses, dead coyote(sounds grosser than it was), the soap dispenser/water dispenser/hand dryer all in one combo at a Missouri rest area, Realizing our SuperWalMart really is Super compared to Rural Kansas Super WalMart, Being able to say" I don't think we are in Kansas anymore!"

Up this late cause we have snow coming to Colorado and Wyoming and trying to figure out how to get to Salt Lake and not be hindered by the storm.

well, we had a break at my SIL house for my BIL graduation from Seminary School. Congrats Dave! Highlight of the trip (other than seeing them) was eating at Fiorella' Jack Stack Bar-b-que (Happy Dave?) Anyway, we had a great time spend some time with them and sharing in their joy of being able to done with Kansas FINALLY.

So we left Kansas City Kansas this morning 5:50 a.m. central time. Kids slept in the car. we got off the road in Abilene because of the "Big Stinging Rain" and hail. Yes, there was a tornado watch. We had breakfast and continued on our way. Made a pitstop at a rest area nothing exciting. Went until we found a "WalMart Supercenter" which was tiny. Picked up some lunch there and DS car charger cord so Chloe can play in the car. Drove until we stopped at the Welcome center and then again until another rest area.
I 70 is a dead interstate, mostly just truckers. That kind of helps us since we are playing the collect the license plate game. We have over 30 now. We thought Alabama and Louisiana would be the hardest, but found them today along with Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina. Looks like the upper East Coast is gonna be the hardest to find, but it is a long trip. Hoping we get lucky and spot an Alaska one in Seattle.
Both kids supper stuffy now with head colds I guess, but they trudge on on our "sample the US" trip. They are actually having a good time and enjoying themselves. I am currently the only one up cause I wanted to get this blog done and look over new route to Salt Lake. I have 3 snorers. Joel is by far the worst.
Chloe is "teaching"us all kinds of fun facts. Learned today it was a keg of whiskey and the american flag that got 10 miles of track laid in 10 hours ,record time, to meet in the middle to connect the two sides. The Kansas Pacific connected then at Denver and Dodge City. August 15, 1870 , but the Union Pacific did not have the bridge over the Mississippi River yet so passengers had to be ferried across to Omaha. Did you know that?. we do now cause Chloe read it at a rest area with Tom.
Tomorrow,Doing Littleton Museum, which is an actul 1830s working farm like Williamsburg with costume workers and all. After that it is off to Dinosaur ridge and then lunch and Downtown to the NAture and Science center, Joel is excited because they have an egypt display with mummies and Chloe is excited to see the Ghangis Khan exhibit, we studied him this year with the great wall of China. If things go well we will do the Aquarium tomorrow night. Trying to do outdoor stuff in A.M. since Snow and sleet are coming Tuesday night and Wednesday A.M. Yes we are going to be in snow.
Things I have learned: Beach Balls and Balloons are a lot of fun to have at a rest area. The kids can sleep in the clothes they will wear the next or even wear their Pjs all the next day either way it works. Buying bags of apples and deli meat and cheese is a better lunch than slipping into McDonalds because my kids actually eat it. Packing in separate bins is great, but you need to pull clothes for the next day in the daylight. Don't wait until the other driver is getting ready to sleep to ask" I am kind of tired do you mind driving?" Bring the Madlibs baby cause it gets crazy in the car when little kids are involved.
We are having to change our plans slightly but are still playing it by ear. Colorado and Wyoming are calling for 18-24 inches of snow on the routes we have planned to get to Salt Lake. It is to start in the early morning hours we want to leave. We have found alternative route but it is to get a dusting and potential for more. Sooooo...........we mull over the options and turn it over to GOD to decide what we should do. Kids think snow is cool, but really not so much when it is that much and you need to drive in it.
So our itenary may change. Keep checking in with us. Sooo tired gonna hit the sack now.


  1. Snow just seems to follow you guys this year. LOL! We are glad you are seeing cool stuff. Missed you in Recycled recess today.


  2. What a trip! Was this post from Denver? I used to live in Littleton. Hope you found a good way to get through to Salt Lake. Those mountain passes can be a real bear with snow, not to mention that they sometimes require chains. Hopefully you found an easier way. We miss you all here! Today was coffee can stilts at co-op. I love Chloe's learning nuggets. Maybe she can lead a class at the next co-op taking us through the trip and all the cool stuff she's learned.

    Jen and Sami
